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Thursday, December 9, 2010

FixIt!: Android Users: Misers?FixIt!: Android Users: Misers?

New figures published few days ago from AdMob told us few things about ourselves. They told us that we are males, aged between 25 and 34 and we prefer not to pay for apps...
I will guess that there is a good chance you will be reading this and say: No, I am not!
First, this has not taken into account the thousands of thousands of Android devices that have been offered for Saint Valentine. I am sure the next report will show way more female users.
Then, is there really only 21% of users buying at least one app every month? This seems very low and it doesn't sound great if you are (or want to be) a developer on Android. Could we, the Android community, do something about this... I think  we can, this is very easy. What I am suggesting is that each of reader buy one or two apps in March. You know this game you like, you've been playing with the free version for a while now, maybe it is time to buy it and be able to access more levels. You know this nice tool that is helping you every day in your life, maybe you want a better version. I don't want to point you to just one app of my choice, this is for you to decide. Also keep in mind that most apps don't cost a fortune, can you really not spare $4 or $5 in March and buy 2 apps?
I know what some will say, I am with you on this, I can't buy apps where I am (using Market Enabler helps but you need a rooted phone). However, there are alternatives. Some developers have web pages with PayPal's donate button, you could use that. There are also many apps that are ads supported, clicking on these ads from time to time will help the developers and, who knows, you might be interested by what the advertisers want you to see.
So, what do you say? Can Android users be known are a generous bunch, willing to pay for good apps and help developers? Please share your opinion in a comment, I want to hear it.

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